- Please allow 1-3 business days for your order to process.
- For orders in North America, Europe, & Australia, please allow up to 7-15 business days for shipping.
- If there is a mistake in your order's shipping information please contact us immediately. We will try to update your order information. However, there are cases where we have already initiated the processing of your order and cannot further change shipping information. Therefore, it is crucial that you double check your information before placing your order. We do not take responsibility for mistakes due to shipping information if we have already processed your order. Thank you for your kind consideration and understanding.
- Tracking information will be sent to you after processing is complete via email, usually 1-3 business days after your purchase. This tracking email will have a clickable tracking link.
- Please check your tracking number periodically, making sure your product arrives at the proper place.
If you have any questions about processing or tracking of your shipment, please email us at We'll be more than happy to answer all of your questions!